How To Protect The Information On Your Mobile Phone?

This is a guest post by Karen Schweitzer.

Long gone are the days when mobile phones were used for one purpose only--talking to other people. Nowadays mobile phones and smart phones are used in a number of ways. From talking and texting to event planning and internet browsing, mobile phones are used by many to help manage their busy lives. Because they're used for so many things, it's important to protect all of the information that mobile phones store. If your phone were to fall into the wrong hands, your privacy and personal identity could be greatly compromised. If you haven't already taken some precautions to safeguard the information on your mobile phone, here is what you need to do to insure that it's protected once and for all.

Use a Passcode Lock

One of the simplest ways to prevent someone from accessing the information on your phone is to use the passcode lock function on it to keep it under lock and key when you're not using it. If you use this function, you will need to choose a passcode. A passcode is usually a four digit number that you'll be required to key in anytime you go to use your phone. Passcodes typically lock the phone after a short period of time that the phone has been idle. When you select a passcode, don't use dates that are significant to you and by all means don't use the same numeral digit four times. If you lose your phone or someone steals it, you don’t want your passcode to be an easy one to decipher.

Log Out

If your mobile phone is a "smart" phone, always log out of your email or any internet sites that require you to sign in to use them. Although smart phones allow you to stay connected to email, social networks, and other sites you frequent for the sake of convenience, staying logged in puts your personal information at great risk for being stolen. Anyone that obtains possession of your phone will be able to view your email as well as any other sites that you're constantly connected or signed into.

Pick Complicated Passwords

Smart phone users that access email, bank account information, online auctions, or any other site that they need a password to sign into via their phone should always use passwords that are difficult to crack. When choosing a password, use a combination of letters and numbers that have no personal meaning to you, and never use the same password twice.

Stick with Apps You Trust

Let's face it--when it comes to apps, there is an endless sea of them to choose from. Because there are so many cool ones out there, it can be tempting to download way more than you will ever have time to use. Choose apps wisely, and try to stick to the ones you know you can trust. Read up on them before you install them, and find out what other users have to say about them by checking out customer reviews. If an app that you download contains a lot of pop-ups, prompts, or links for you to click on, delete the app from your phone. If something seems suspicious it probably is, so trust your instincts and select only the apps that you know are tried and true.

Use Caution When You Switch Phones

When it comes time to upgrade to a new phone, discard your old one with caution. Whether you decide to sell, donate, or toss your old phone, wipe it clean first. If your phone has a SIM card, remove it before parting with your mobile phone. If you don't need or want the SIM card anymore, don't give it away--not even to someone you know. Also, you should always return a mobile phone to its factory condition before you get rid of it. You can find out how to do this by looking up the instructions in the user manual that came with it, or by locating step-by-step directions online either on the manufacturer's website or on a helpful forum.

Protecting the information on your mobile phone isn’t just something you should do--it's something you must do. Crimes like identity theft are on the rise due largely to the fact that more people use mobile phones and smart phones. By following these simple yet highly effective tips, you can keep the information that's stored on your phone safe and sound.

About the author:

Guest post from Karen Schweitzer. Karen writes about internet providers for

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